ALL Genetics Webinar


 ALL Genetics - VIVA ALL Education Programme- ALL ACADEMY

22 November 2023
7.00PM - 8.30PM (GMT+8 SG Time)

Check your Time Zone 


VIVA ALL Education Programme- ALL ACADEMY is specifically focused on ALL Genetics for medical healthcare specialists. The webinar aims to provide the latest information on genetics and its role in saving more children and adults with cancer and effectively combating cancer. By effectively combating cancer through a deeper understanding of genetics, this webinar seeks to empower medical professionals to make a significant impact in the field.

During the webinar, we are privileged to have two distinguished speakers, Prof Deborah White and Prof Chi-Kong Li, who will share their expertise on this vital subject.

*Please note that the program may be subjected to changes.


If you can't make it, you can still register to receive a copy of the webinar recording.

Medical professionals in Singapore may eligible for CME/CPE/CNE credits for attending this webinar.
Credits and Certificates of Attendance will only be issued for those who are able to attend the live session and are in adherence with VIVA's Attendance Policy.


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Title: Advances in the genetics of ALL and the potential clinical implications

Prof Deb will give a 30min presentation on advances of cytogenetics of adult & pediatric ALL and sharing her insights how it would help on risk clarification of ALL disease and to guide treatment strategies.

Title: ALL Genetics-Experience from CCCG

The Chinese Children Cancer Group (CCCG) organised multi-centre clinical trial for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) since 2015. Two studies were conducted since 2015, the CCCG ALL 2015 study and the ongoing CCCG ALL 2020 study. In the first study, 7640 patients were recruited and genetic studies were performed including karyotyping, FISH and molecular fusion testing. The most common genetic change was ETV6::RUNX1 (19%) followed by hyperdiploidy,  TCF3::PBX1, BCR::ABL1 and KMT2A-r. The above genetic changes had significant prognostic impact on the survival outcome. The pattern of minimal residual disease (MRD) response also varied among the different genetic subtypes. In the current CCCG ALL 2020 study, transcriptome analaysis was added for all newly recruited patients. So far we have obtained RNAseq results in over 3000 patients and disclosed the other recently reported subtypes in our cohorts, such as DUX4, PAX5, Ph-like, ZNF384, MEF2D…. The prognostic importance of these new subtypes will be analysed in future. 



Infant ALL Treatment 1



Michelle Hermiston

Prof Deborah White 

Director, Cancer Program and Deputy Theme
South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute


Michelle Hermiston

Prof Chi-Kong Li 

Diploma in Epidemiology & Applied Statistics (CUHK), FRCPCH(UK), Doctor of Medicine(CUHK)
Research Professor, Department of Paediatrics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Children's Hospital
Hong Kong



Michelle Hermiston

Prof Yok Lam Kwong

Professor, Chief of the Division of Hematology,
Oncology and BMT, Department of Medicine,
Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong