VIVA Education Webinar 01 July 2020 web


PET / CT in Paediatric Oncology

Tuesday, 27 Oct 2020
19:30 (Singapore UTC+8)



The VIVA Asia Education Webinar Series brings together regional delegates from developing countries to discuss treatment, data management, and evaluation of outcomes for paediatric solid tumours and leukaemia. This Webinar Series continues the educational opportunities offered by the VIVA Asia Educational Day, which evolved from the pre-forum workshop at the annual St. Jude-VIVA Forum in Paediatric Oncology.

Positron emission tomography (PET)-computed tomography (CT) is emerging as a valuable tool for assessing a wide variety of pediatric malignancies, including lymphomas, soft-tissue, neuroendocrine tumors and bone sarcomas. PET-CT may provide information that is not apparent on conventional imaging performed to stage these diseases and monitor their response to chemotherapy/radiation. FDG-PET has the advantage of revealing viable tumour tissue, which is highly metabolically active and therefore accumulates FDG and other bio-marker. FDG-PET can assess tumour glucose metabolism with high reproducibility. A decrease in tumour glucose uptake after treatment is correlated with a reduction in the percentage of viable tumour cells. Therefore, FDG-PET may offer a more sensitive evaluation of the response or progression of some paediatric solid malignancies than do conventional, anatomic imaging modalities. The interpretation of pediatric PET-CT imaging requires familiarity with aspects of pediatric anatomy and physiology that differ from those of adults. 



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    Dr Arvind Kumar Sinha

Senior Consultant, Department of Diagnostic Imaging
National University Hospital
Senior Consultant, National University Cancer Institute

Dr Arvind Sinha is a Senior Consultant at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging, NUH and NCIS. He received his medical degree from Rajendra Institute of Medical Science, India and subsequently did his ACGME nuclear medicine residency from The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. He also did his fellowship in Nuclear Oncology and PET from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (MSKCC), Weill cornel Medical College, New York, New York USA. He became Fellow of European Board of Nuclear Medicine-FEBNM and the Academy of Medicine-FAMS, Singapore. His professional affiliations include memberships of American Society of Nuclear Medicine-SNM, European Association of Nuclear Medicine-EANM and Radiology Society of Singapore. Dr Sinha’s research interests are PET/CT metabolic imaging, targeted radio-immunotherapy and nuclear cardiac imaging.



Dr Miriam Kimpo

Consultant, Division of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology
Khoo Teck Puat - National University Children's Medical Institute
National University Hospital

Dr Miriam Santiago Kimpo graduated from the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines. Her training is in Paediatrics and she had her fellowship in Haematology and Oncology. She is certified by the American Board of Paediatrics.

She was consultant and fellowship training officer at the Santo Tomas University Hospital in the Philippines from 2004- 2010. Her main interest is in childhood brain tumours.

Currently, she is a Consultant with the Division of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology at the National University Hospital of Singapore.


Dr Ana Patricia Alcasabas

Head, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Philippine General Hospital
Manila, Philippines

Dr Ana Patricia Alcasabas is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and the Head of the Section of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology at the Philippine General Hospital.

Her interest soon changed to pediatric hematology-oncology in her first year of residency when she saw how chemotherapy relieved the pain and suffering of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hence upon completion, she went to the United States for further training in pediatrics and pediatric hematology-oncology at the Wayne State University – Children’s Hospital of Michigan. She also spent a month at the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital International Outreach Visitor’s program to learn how she can apply first world diagnostics and treatment to the Philippines.

prasad iyer


Dr Soh Shui Yen

Head and Senior Consultant
Paediatric Haematology / Oncology Service
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital

Dr Soh Shui-Yen is the Head and Senior Consultant from the Paediatric Haematology/Oncology Service of KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) in Singapore. Dr Soh graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS). She received her Paediatric Medicine training in Singapore and also completed 1 year of Paediatric Oncology clinical fellowship at the Hospital of Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. Her academic interests are in paediatric brain and solid tumours, as well as in cellular and immunotherapies in cancer. She is currently the Chair of the Paediatric Oncology Group Singapore and a steering committee member of the VIVA-KKH Paediatric Brain and Solid Tumour Programme. She also holds teaching appointments with the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, the Duke-NUS Graduate School of Medicine, the National Technological University (NTU) – Lee Kong Chian (LKC) School of Medicine and the SingHealth Paediatrics Residency Programme.


Assoc Prof TC Quah

Senior Consultant, Division of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Department of Paediatrics
Khoo Teck Puat - National University Children's Medical Institute, National University Hospital

Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore

Associate Professor Quah Thuan Chong grew up in the island of Penang (a beautiful city off the western coast of West Malaysia) and came to another island (another beautiful island off the southern coast of West Malaysia) in 1971 to study medicine at the then University of Singapore.

He was captivated and inspired by Professor Wong Hock Boon, the "walking encyclopaedia" and "the smartest man I've ever known personally" whose motto is "if you want to do paediatrics, you've got to live paediatrics, eat paediatrics, sleep paediatrics". He was also inspired by the children he got to know when he was doing his housemanship (internship) in 1976 in the University Department of Paediatrics (then at the Mistri Wing in the Singapore General Hospital).

Then and there, he decided to spend the rest of his life looking after kids. After spending a very happy one year in the paediatric department in Alexandra Hospital under another wonderful mentor, Dr Tan Keng Wee, he went back to the University's Department of Paediatrics, and has been there ever since (moving together with the department to the National University Hospital in 1986).

He started to devote his life to paediatric haematology and oncology in 1983, training under Professor Wong, and also in Australia and Jerusalem (under Professor Shimon Slavin, for marrow transplant, under whose guidance he did the first bone marrow transplant in Singapore).

He is the recipient of the National Medical Excellence Awards 2013 (National Outstanding Clinician Mentor Award).